Brouwer Legal is at the centre of a continuously changing society. Technology plays an important role in those changes. The local university has adjusted its courses accordingly: courses with an international high-quality reputation. Partly for that reason the number of companies in the region that operate in the field of technology has increased significantly these past few years. Brouwer Legal has closely monitored these developments and has contributed to them in its own way.
Experience has taught us that technology agreements can be complicated affairs. The conclusion of a licensing agreement or production framework agreement, the supply of high‑tech systems and materials, international R&D agreements: they all require a careful assessment of the expected benefits and the risks involved. Brouwer Legal’s knowledge of the market and understanding of international relationships allow it to implement sector-specific terminology and specifications and to translate them into sound agreements.
Legal issues in the technology sector often have a strategic aspect as well, since the competition is fierce and it is important to stay one head step ahead of competitors. Many questions may then present themselves. Should you opt for individual development or a joint venture? Can a product best be protected by confidentiality or by intellectual property rights? Is individual exploitation or the issue of licences preferable? You may also have questions about outsourcing, conditions of use, privacy regulations and general conditions. Brouwer Legal can help you answer those questions and can advise or litigate on other technological issues.