Commercial Law

Our clients like to focus on the sale of products or provision of services, since that is their core business. But it is essential to carefully regulate important matters within the company to safeguard rights and avoid undesirable risks. Brouwer Legal shoulders that burden for its clients and advises on all the legal aspects involved in doing business.

We advise, for instance, on the conclusion of a wide range of commercial agreements, assist in the negotiations and specialise in the recording, reviewing or termination of such agreements. They include distribution agreements, franchise agreements, cooperation agreements, licensing agreements, agency agreements, services agreements, sale and purchase agreements, and general conditions.

We also advise and litigate on warranty issues, product liability and repossession of products. In all these and other cases we aim for a financially favourable solution and avoid litigation if possible. But if court proceedings are unavoidable, we face them head on. We will therefore be pleased to assist you in disputes involving domestic and international litigation.

Companies change, grow or merge with other companies. There is often insufficient time and attention to carefully record all the legal aspects. Brouwer Legal has developed a legal scan that exposes the risks and offers means of limiting or avoiding them.